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What are your Numbers?
Enter your number to find your match.
You may enter as many numbers as you wish to your
account but please enter only one number at a time.


The Number Match Game is a game that is frequently played at major events to get the people at the event to intermingle and meet each other. The event organizers give each person a number which that person displays. There is typically 3 or 4 persons with the same number at the same event. The person then tries to find others at the event with the same number. Event organizers usually provide prizes to the attendees that were able to find one or more of there number matches.

The Number Match Game website is used by the participants to help them find other attendees with their matching number so that they can meet in person and then hopefully be one of the ones to collect a prize. Prizes are not awarded by Number Match Game directly as we are not directly related to any individual event, nor are we endorsing any individual event. We just simply help to facilitate the connection of users with other users that have the same numbers.

The more participants at a specific event share their numbers in the Number Match Game website the more likely they will be to find their match so please share the web site with your friends at the event and encourage them to share with their friends. We also make it easy for you to share the website and any specific event with others via social media like "Facebook". Just use the Share Buttons on the page.

The Number Match Game is also frequently called, by different event organizers, the Numbers Game, the Mix-N-Match Game, the Match-N-Win Game and the Match Me Up Game.

Regardless of what your event calls the game, the Number Match Game website will help you find your match.

Enter your numbers now to play and tell others about it!